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Email Marketing Hacks

Are you tired of your email marketing hacks or similar campaigns delivering less than stellar results?

Would you love to know how to get every single person on your list to open every email you send?

The answer should be a resounding YES!

Email Marketing Shortcuts

It is impossible to find one shortcut that will make your emails irresistible to all subscribers.

Just think about it logically for a second…

How many subscribers do you have? Where do they live?

Do they all work in the same field, have the same goals, aspirations, etc.?

Everyone is different, so naturally, all the information will be (and should be) as well.

Do you have any idea about the answers to some of these questions?

If you are like many email marketers, you probably don’t.

And that could be the very reason why your emails are falling flat.

You cannot be all things to all people

As you will see in the infographic from 99firms, a more targeted approach is required.

Start to improve your email campaigns now by segmenting your subscriber list.

You can do this by using any demographics or statistics that you like.

Separate them by geographic location or age if it makes sense to do so.

You could even group them by past purchases as another approach.

Know your audience

Say for example, that you are putting toothpaste at 50% off tomorrow.

You want to let your clients know about the deal.

Does it really make sense to tell the guy who paid full price yesterday about the special?

It’s small considerations like this that can skyrocket your results.

For more tips, check out the infographic below.

Email Marketing Infographic

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