Have You Got an Exciting Story to Tell?
Public Relations
With years of experience writing for major media companies, we have the interview skills and the ability to write, edit and deliver your message to the mass media or a select list of recipients.
Have a question about what we might be able to provide for your company? Has there been a new product or service introduced that deserves some print or digital press? Is there a public relations nightmare that needs to be sorted out in a positive way? We can help!
Our public relations background can help you to craft a message to bring the outcome you are looking for. In addition to several talented writers on staff, we have access to a number of professional writers skilled in a variety of subjects.
Captivating Your Audience with Writing
Experienced Writer/Editor
Ten years as a contract writer for the New York Times-owned Press Democrat producing weekly columns and special sections.

Boost Your Conversions Today
Ad Copywriting
More than being clever, our work brings proven results because we know how to write copy that relates to the end-user.
Experienced Writer/Editor
Boylan Point Agency’s writing services include:
- Copywriting
- Newsletter Copy & Editing
- Sales Brochures / Letters
- Ad Copywriting
- Radio & Television
- Press Releases/ Query Letters
Tom Boylan spent 10 years writing for various newspapers as a contract columnist and editor, including The New York Times owned Press Democrat and Gannett Publications Marin/Sonoma Gazette.
His weekly columns covered business, community and automotive topics. Several special sections received awards from California Classified Advertising Executives (CCAE) and National Advertising Association (NAA).